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A Pandemic of Stress


During the Covid pandemic, everyone felt elevated levels of stress. However, the scope of the problem was greater than even professionals predicted. In retrospect, we should have realized what imposed lockdowns, mass economic damage, and 24/7 news cycles on the pandemic would produce. Even though the pandemic is over, its damage still echoes through society.


According to the American Psychological Association, “The average reported stress level for U.S. adults related to the coronavirus pandemic is 5.9. When asked to rate their stress level in general, the average reported stress for U.S. adults is 5.4. This is significantly higher than the average stress level reported in the 2019 Annual Stress in America survey, which was 4.9, and marks the first significant increase in average reported stress since the survey began in 2007.


The average reported stress level over the past month related to the coronavirus pandemic for parents of children under 182 is 6.7, compared with 5.5 for adults without children, with nearly half of parents (46%) saying their stress level is high (between 8 and 10 on a 10-point scale where 1 means “little or no stress” and 10 means “a great deal of stress”), compared with 28% of adults without children who say the same.


Many Americans point to the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a significant source of stress in their lives. The survey finds that almost 7 in 10 Americans (67%) say the government response to coronavirus causes them stress. Parents again are more likely than those without children under the age of 18 to say this is a significant source of stress (74% of parents vs. 63% of non-parents).


The economy and work have become significant stressors for more Americans. The economy is reported as a significant source of stress by 7 in 10 adults (70%). For comparison, the percentage of Americans indicating that the economy is a significant source of stress is on par with the previous Stress in America-reported high of 69% during the recession in 2008. This is considerably higher than the proportion of adults who cited the economy as a stressor during the 2019 Stress in America™ Survey (46%).


Similarly, 7 in 10 employed adults (70%) say work is a significant source of stress in their lives, which is also higher than the proportion of adults who cited this as a stressor in the 2019 survey (64%).”


Some psychological symptoms associated with covid stress are moodiness, loneliness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, confusion, brain fog, increased drug use, PTSD, and a general increase in fear and foreboding. Is the glass always half full? Is your perspective off? Are victories less joyful? Are stumbling blocks roadblocks? Do you see clouds on a sunny day?


The pandemic has caused chaos and stress on a worldwide basis that we haven’t seen since WWII. Sadly, it’s now part of the fabric of society. We must deal with it, or the implications and ancillary symptoms will devastate us. Somulis’ mission and slogan are ‘Stop Stressing-Start Living.’ Our goal is to provide a safe, effective, natural, and convenient solution to stress, focus, and sleeping issues. We want to restore joy and normality to people’s lives.

Somulis gently stimulates the vagus nerve (the body’s master system for controlling stress), releasing the hormone oxytocin and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. They increase relaxation, mood, focus, and sleep. Our unique wearable device allows anyone to use it anywhere and at anytime. We consider Somulis a Digital Supplementtm because daily use can help prevent chronic stress and its symptoms and enhance well-being.

So, make Somulis a part of your daily routine and Stop Stressing-Start Living!

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Reno, Nevada

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